Katie and Heidi – family photos in Salem, OR

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When Heidi and I planned a photoshoot on a Saturday in June, I think we were both picturing a balmy, sunshiny day at the park. But we are in Oregon after all, and Saturday morning dawned miserably gray and drizzly. Luckily it cleared up just enough that we were still able to wander the park for awhile. Gorgeous 2 year old Katie pulled on her boots and was quick to start smiling for my camera! She told me she saw a spider in it though…a big black one. I should probably get that checked out… :)

When the rain got to be too much, we were able to seek refuge at the carousel, since it happened to be family day and that meant a free ride!

Later, we got to see a few more beautiful faces at a family barbeque. :)


my favorite subject

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While I work on getting the ball rolling for this business thing, my camera remains focused on my favorite subject of all–my baby!  The other day we had a rare, super warm day on the coast, and we let Orrin go naked for a bit…and then we let him step into the backyard.  He was pretty excited, even though he took more interest in the sliding door than running free in the overgrown lawn!  He also just so happened to be hanging out in a spot of yummy light, so I couldn’t resist getting my camera out to capture his almost-18-month old little being.


And, because he’s so serious in all of these, one to prove that he was actually having fun!